Our Best Moving Tips for National Moving Month

national moving month house with driveway and front yard for sale

May is National Moving Month and the start of the busiest moving season of the year. Due to some interesting New York history and since May kicks off the busy moving season, it has been recognized as National Moving Month. Find out what makes this month so important that it deserves recognition. And if you are part of the 11% of Americans planning to move during May, we have some excellent packing and moving tips to help you navigate your move.

History of National Moving Month

It all started when the Dutch settled in Manhattan. Based on traditions from home, leases in New York all expired on the same day: May 1 at 9am. The entire city moved on the same day, Moving Day. This practice stayed in place until the mid 20th Century, when practicality won and met the needs of a post–World War II New York City.

In 1997 May was officially recognized as National Moving Month. With the vast majority of moves taking place during the summer so families can move between school years, students can relocate between college semesters, and belongings can be transported in dry weather on clear roads, May is still the kickoff to the busy moving season. So let’s get ready to move!

Packing and Moving Tip #1: Declutter. Start now.

Why pay someone to move the belongings you don’t want? Why bring things you don’t want into your brand new home? Save money and give yourself a fresh new start by decluttering your home—truly the first step to a successful move. Both going through all of your belongings and properly disposing of the unwanted items can be time consuming, so start as soon as you know you are moving.

Packing and Moving Tip #2: Hire the pros.

Working with a licensed professional mover provides protection, experience, and peace of mind. Moving furniture involves more than brute force and a pickup truck. It is a craft and a skill. There are many ways to work with your moving company to stay within budget, such as packing most of your home yourself and using used moving boxes and packing supplies. In the long run, working with the right professionals will save you time, energy, potential injury, potential damage, and time off work.

white moving truck parked outside of a white building

Packing and Moving Tip #3: Book your moving and storage company early.

If there is one moving tip that you don't want to miss, it is to book your moving company early. While not all rental leases end on May 1st, National Moving Month is still the beginning of the most popular time to move. Moving calendars and storage facilities fill up quickly. Call as soon as possible to reserve the movers and storage space for your Moving Day.

Packing and Moving Tip #4: Have a moving checklist.

Use a moving checklist to ensure you get everything taken care of on time for your move. A checklist will guide you through all the steps and processes that your move will need. From financial budgeting to planning dates to decluttering and packing, the Camelot Moving & Storage checklist can help you organize your move to be stress-free and maybe even fun. This list will keep you on track, organized, and ahead of schedule for a smoother transition.

Packing and Moving Tip #5: Start packing, or hire a pro!

While packing and preparing your home for Moving Day can be both time consuming and emotional—even cathartic—it must be completed by Moving Day. A full-service moving and packing crew can pack most homes in one day, with few exceptions, and will ensure that your home is ready on Moving Day. But if you are attacking this task yourself, give yourself plenty of time (6–8 weeks) to complete it. You may opt to handle most of the packing yourself while hiring a pro for a partial pack, such as handling larger items like lamps, artwork, and flat-screen TVs or fragile items, like fine china. Here are the best packing tips:

  • Clearly label your boxes of their contents and destination in your new home.

  • Rule of thumb: if it can fit in a box, put it in a box. Disassemble and pack anything that can fit in a box, such as lamps. Don’t forget the artwork!

  • Use plenty of packing material (like bubble wrap or packing paper), especially with breakable items.

  • Don’t over- or underfill a box.

  • Be sure to seal up every box.

Let Camelot Move and Store Your Items

Since 1986, Camelot has done its part for National Moving Month and the busy moving season by moving and storing belongings for families transitioning homes between the school year, for an exciting new job opportunity, and big life changes. We’re happy to share our best packing and moving tips with you as we help you and your family arrive at your new home. Contact us today to learn how we can help you move into your next chapter.

Billy Kornfeld