Four Ways To Keep a House Organized After a Move


Moving can be stressful, chaotic, and exciting—a rush of emotions that’s present throughout the entire process of moving out of an old home and into a new one. And once the moving truck is unloaded at your new address, the action doesn’t stop, because now it’s time to get organized. For over 35 years, Camelot Moving & Storage has supported thousands of moves both local and long-distance, and today we give you four of our most helpful organization tips.

Tackle the Kids’ Rooms First

Every family member is affected by a move, but kids are impacted the most. Confusion, trepidation, and resentment (especially with older kids) are common feelings, which is why it’s vital that your children have a familiar place in which to unwind and let the move sink in. Their bedroom is the place, and the sooner you can reestablish this comfort zone for them, the better everyone will feel.

Prioritize the Kitchen

If you have kids, the kitchen should be #2 on your priority list, after your kids’ bedrooms. If your move doesn’t involve kids, than unpacking and organizing the kitchen should be the first thing you do. Get all of the essentials in order first—flatware, silverware, dish towels, etc.—and then stow secondary, larger items like your pots and pans, cookware, and dinnerware. The cookware you use most often should go in cabinets and drawers next to the oven, and your family’s go-to dinnerware (cereal bowls, coffee mugs, etc.) should occupy the lowest cabinet shelves for easy access.

Of course, since the kitchen is the focal point of many a family home, the idea behind organizing the kitchen right away is to give your brood the same clean, welcoming familial gathering area that they enjoyed in your old home.


Sort Your Cords and Electronics

Technology is a huge part of 21st-century family life, so it’s a smart move to unpack and sort all of your cords and electronics soon after moving in. Work together to decide where the TV, home computer, stereo, Amazon Alexa, etc. should go, and get everything hooked up so that your tech apparatus and the cords that accompany it are out of the way and ready to use. Leftover wires, power cords, and AV cables should be stored, donated, or thrown out. Streamlining your tech goes a long way towards maintaining an organized home.


Address the Entryway

Before you know it, your family will be coming and going in your new home as if you’d lived there for years. Thus, everyone will benefit from an organized entryway that’s free of boxes, shoes, coats, and jackets. If your new home doesn’t already have hooks on the entryway walls, make the investment asap in order to expedite your organization. Also, a cubby or basket for shoes is a smart move, along with an umbrella stand and a drying mat for wet shoes.


Get Moving (and Organized) Today

As a well-established moving company in Santa Clarita, the team at Camelot Moving & Storage has seen it all. We offer our customers extensive expertise in everything from home and commercial moves, to packing and unpacking services as well as storage solutions. Contact us today to put our moving and organizational skills to good use!  

Billy Kornfeld